Un article de Phil Wainewright qui relate la création de l’Eurocloud, et en explique les nombreux intérêts pour les acteurs de l’écosystème SaaS/Cloud Computing. Selon lui, ils sont les suivants :
« Firstly, by acting as a facilitator of partnerships and ecosystems between cloud and SaaS providers across Europe — making it easy, for the first time, for providers to find each other from Spain to Poland and from Norway to Bulgaria.
Secondly, by speaking with a collective voice that can influence lawmakers and administrators at the European Union, which now originates more than half the laws governing business in member countries, and which affects cloud providers across diverse topics ranging from broadband access to privacy regulation and software patents.
Finally, by helping business decision makers in Europe understand how best to take advantage of cloud and SaaS to ensure they stay competitive in the connected Web era. »
About cyril laguiseray
Cyril s’intéresse aux thématiques du SaaS et du Cloud Computing pour les entreprises.
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